Men's Haircut
Precision haircut including massaging shampoo with hot towel
Precision haircut including massaging shampoo with hot towel
Straight razor shave of the entire head including hot towel treatment and massage
Kiddos need to look their best too. We've got you covered. Includes anyone 12 and under
Detailed beard work to keep the facial hair just how you like it
Keep the lines extra fresh
Traditional 2 pass shave and premium facial combo; get even closer with a few extra prep steps
A traditional 2 pass straight razor shave with hot towel treatment
Life is rough, your skin shouldn't be. This service includes a rotation of hot towels, cleansers and facial massage leaving you relaxed and rejuvenated.
Whether you want to completely cver the grays or just give them a nice camoflauge we've got you covered.
Let us blend those grays back out to keep that manly mane looking young